You will learn the basic exercises and how to build a workout program in the safety of a home gym.

You will workout with your trainer to get comfortable at a commercial gym.

You will learn how to create a workout program and can get bigger and stronger on your own.

Personal Trainer - Paul Goodes

NASM Certified

Current Ass't Coach MSU D3 Hockey
Working out for 35 years
Played college club hockey
Completed 2 marathons
Practice yoga consistently
Youth hockey coach for 15 years
Individual weight training
Group training for -
- Strength and Conditioning
- Speed and Agility
- Flexibility

MSU D3 Hockey

MSU D3 Hockey

Assistant Coach
Sydney B

Sydney B

College Student

I worked out consistently for several years but had stopped making gains. Paul improved my technique, showed me new exercises and taught me how to make my own workout plans.

Adam G

Adam G

College Student

I go to MSU and had never seriously worked out with weights. Paul taught me basic strength exercises, worked out with me at a gym a few times to get comfortable, and taught me exercise routines to workout on my own at school.

Brandon G

Brandon G

Automotive Engineer

I had been working out but had hit a plateau. Paul taught me how to get stronger first and then helped me create a better program that fit in my schedule.

Get in Touch

Please don't hesitate to contact with any questions

The home gym

633 Rewold Dr., Rochester MI 48307

Call or Text

Paul Goodes 248-515-5491
